A warm welcome to all Civil Engineers

Hi all!

        I'm Dr.C.RameshBabu M.E.,(Struc Engg) Ph.D.,

I have 17 years of teaching experience, I have handled the following subjects:

Design of Steel Structures

Solid Mechanics

Structural Analysis I and II

Environmental Science and Disaster Management

Theory of Elasticity and Plasticity

Engineering Mechanics

Design of Bridges

Finite Element Analysis

Steel Concrete Composite Structures

Soil Mechanics

Cracks and Crack Control in Concrete Structures

Experimental Techniques and Instrumentation

Professional Ethics

Applied Hydraulic Engineering

Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering

Industrial Pollution, Prevention and Control




RameshBabu Chandran (November 5th 2020). Finite Element Analysis in Nanotechnology Research [Online First], IntechOpen, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.94590. Available from: https://www.intechopen.com/online-first/finite-element-analysis-in-nanotechnology-research



Disastrous effects of Prosopis Juliflora and the need for eradication

28/09/2016 13:40
The non native Prosopis Juliflora popularly known as "Seemai karuvela maram" (Tamil)  was introduced in Tamil Nadu especially in Ramanathapuram District as fuel wood weed. But then had spread  to other districts of TN. This weed has its roots upto 80 to 90 feet under the ground and...

Increasing Road Accidents and Concern for road safety

27/09/2016 13:16
The media reports that about 1.5 lakh people are killed every year in road accidents in India (2015) and it's increasing every day. The statistics report reveals that every day approximately 400 people die in road accidents. Road safety, obeying traffic rules and avoding mobile phones during riding...

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